Inspired by Iceland
Travel Diaries And More by Samloka
Comments Off on Trip to Iceland, August 2008 – day 19
Category: Iceland

24.08.08 – Hrafntinnusker – Álftavatn [day 2]
By Garik and Lena

  • The clock rang at 0700AM and woke up some of  the snoring people in the hut. Some kept sleeping, some started to pack their stuff, and some went to the kitchen to make breakfast. So did we! We packed our stuff quite quickly and ate a small breakfast. We cleaned a bit the table where we ate, we planned to clean the floor too, but the warden told us that he will do it. Sorry… our dirty bags made such a mess… During the night we woke up for a moment because we heard noise coming from the entrance. At the morning we realized that those were two French girls, they got lost on their way and arrived at the small hours of a night… Wow…  Read the rest of the entry »

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Comments Off on Trip to Iceland, August 2008 – day 14
Category: Iceland

19.08.08 Kverkfjoll
by Garik and Lena
  • When we woke up in the morning, it was very cold. Last night, we asked our bus driver – guide, how cold is it here at night? He told us that last week it was below zero, but for tonight he expects not less than +2C. We ate bread with tomato flavored butter and tea for breakfast. We were supplied with pole sticks for today, so we could leave ours at the tent. The guide told us that those poles are low quality poles, and good for one use only. Actually, they were used much more than once and still looked much better and stronger than those we bought for Lena in Israel via eBay. Read the rest of the entry »

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